What is a Student Ministry Leader Cohort?

A cohort is a Roman military term for gathering a group of people for a specific task, goal, or purpose. We have two main purposes for our student ministry leader cohorts:

  1. To fall deeper in love with Jesus as we study him as a person.
  2. To learn the skill of leading interactive Bible studies.

Cohorts are for youth ministry leaders and volunteers and last 8 weeks (in-person and online options.)

Interested in learning more? Fill out this form, and we'll touch base!

What People are Saying

  • I had always seen the gospels as a far off place and time not connected to my own experiences. Our cohort has helped me to see the gospels from a first person perspective. Imagining what it would be like to be in the presence of the Son of God. Every Tuesday, I am excited to hear and share the love of Jesus with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Experiencing the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace.

    David Speer
  • What I thought was going to be more of a passive training became an intentional group journey seeing the beauty of the person of Jesus.

    Mark Anderson, Redemption Gilbert, Gilbert, AZ
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