The Structure of Jesus' Beauty

The Structure of Jesus' Beauty

Sign up for an email update every time we release a new episode. In this episode, we reflect on the two scenes studied thus far and begin to see some of the elements of Jesus' beauty that captivate us.

“Jonathan Edwards said Jesus combines 'divine excellencies as otherwise would have seemed to us utterly incompatible in the same subject.'** When you see opposites like compassion and honesty come together in a person, it’s just striking and you’re drawn to that. It touches your soul."

"When you watch Jesus, you begin to sense that he has a center outside of himself. It’s like a gyroscope – an internal stabilizing device. What you’re looking at when you see this in Jesus is his prayer life with his Father..."

““For us, I think this is where the gift of the Holy Spirit comes in. You can study Jesus until you are blue in the face, but you’re always left with, 'Lord, I don’t know how to do this.' And so we pray to the Father for the Spirit, who brings Christ to us."

** You can read Edwards' full sermon on this topic here

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