seeJesus Ministry® is a global discipling mission helping the church see and reflect the life, death, and resurrection of Christ through discipleship resources and training. We labor to rekindle within the church the central passions of Christianity: a love for Jesus, a desire to imitate him, and real, working communion with the Father.
seeJesus creates discipleship tools and trains people in how to use them. Each of our tools—including our books, interactive Bible studies, and seminars—is designed to equip the church to boldly live as his ambassadors in the world today.
We do this work because we love Jesus and his bride, the church. We see an urgent need for the church to rediscover three treasures of the gospel, each of them a facet of Jesus: the Person of Jesus, the Path of Jesus, and the Spirit of Jesus.

Gospel Treasure #1: The Person of Jesus
Other than corporate worship, the church has not cultivated a love for the glowing center of our faith—the person of Jesus. The result? We don’t know what it means to be fully human. We have some skill at sin identification but little skill at Jesus imitation. seeJesus teaches the church Christ’s cadences: how he incarnates with people, how he depends on his heavenly Father, and how he balances truth and grace in relationships.

Gospel Treasure #2: The Path of Jesus
The apostle Paul acknowledges something we rarely admit as a church: Jesus’ life takes a downward path into death before moving upward into resurrection. In fact, Paul’s writings frequently describe the normal Christian life as a re-enacting of the gospel, the death and resurrection of Jesus (see Phil. 1:29, 2:5-9, 3:10-11). If you think of it visually, you can trace the letter “J” in this pattern of dying and rising—a pattern we at seeJesus call the J-Curve.®

Gospel Treasure #3: The Spirit of Jesus
Deep dependence on the Holy Spirit came naturally to Jesus. In A Praying Life, badly praying Christians (all of us!) learn how to bring our helplessness to God in prayer, ask the Father for good gifts, and trace his hand at work through prayer stories.
But the Spirit of Jesus is not just a treasure for individuals. The entire church is a spiritual force. It is animated by the Spirit of Jesus in our midst. So, if we want to see the church brought back to life, we have to make room to listen and be led by the Spirit as a community. The way we do this is to pray together.
Learn more about what makes seeJesus tick by reading our Statement of Faith, Theological Vision (PDF), or Community Covenant.