When students see the paradigm-shifting, mind-bending, and world-changing beauty of the Person of Jesus, they will fall in love with him.

Rev. Joe Novenson, Chattanooga, TNWhen theology ceases to be a window through which we see the expansive vista of the Person of Jesus; then we are in love with the window and not the wonder of the vista.
Jason Kriaski, Youth Pastor, Atlanta Westside Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GAWe’ve been using the student version of The Person of Jesus in our small groups for a few months now. Both the students and the leaders like the question-based format, and all of us are seeing Jesus more clearly: not just for what he did, but for what kind of person he was, and is.

Zach Mashburn, Youth Director, FirstPresbyterian Church, Chattanooga, TNMany studies and curriculum do a great job teaching our students ABOUT God, his Son Jesus and his Word. I’ve loved The Person of Jesus—Student Edition as we are able to SEE Jesus as a person and are able to experience sitting at His feet.
Zach Wyatt, Director of Youth Leader Collective, Chattanooga, TNCould it be that many Christians know the work of Jesus, but have missed the person of Jesus? It’s this exact thought that The Person of Jesus—Student Edition seeks to address. This study draws students (and leaders) into a deeper understanding of the God-man, Jesus Christ. These lessons are informative, easy to use, and will
impact the teacher and student alike.
The Person of Jesus: Student Edition