A Praying Life
The entire ministry of A Praying Life®—seminars, cohorts, books, and tools—is an invitation for weary saints to come to Jesus: come overwhelmed with life. Come with a wandering mind. Come messy.
This seminar is not for victorious Christians, but Christians defeated in the trenches, asking… How do I focus when I’m distracted with so much to do? How do I pray longer than five minutes? How do I ask when I’ve tried it before and it doesn’t work?
Delving into our frustrations, we look at Jesus’ powerful yet simple teachings on prayer. We practice becoming child-like, patterning after Jesus’ own teaching and style of praying. We learn to ask our Father anything – with eyes wide open to the story he is creating in our lives. Further practical tools and helps are explained and demonstrated. Throughout the sessions people have time to pray, making real what they learned.
Host a Seminar
Each year, the A Praying Life teams hosts about 100 seminars for churches and organizations just like yours.
A cohort is a highly personalized prayer training in which you gather with an experienced prayer trainer and 7-8 other committed participants on Zoom. Together, you'll build a set of 5 or more personal prayer cards that you’ll use to pray through key areas in your lives. Each week, you will experience the accountability and encouragement of praying together. As you see God at work in one another’s lives, you will grow in wisdom and faith.
Browse cohort options below or learn more about cohorts here.
Cohort Interest List
Sign up to be the first to know each time new cohorts begin to develop.
Generous donors have made a limited number of cohort scholarships available. Apply for a scholarship here.
Check out these additional, free resources for using prayer cards: Scripture for Prayer Cards, Scripture for Prayer Cards (References Only), and Appendix to A Praying Life.
A Praying Life - Prayer Cards App
Create personal prayer cards to help you pray more regularly and track how God is at work in your life with this free, easy-to-use app inspired by the book A Praying Life.
App Store (iOS)
Access our Quick Start Guide here.
Google Play (Android)
Access our Quick Start Guide here.

Over 500,000 Books Sold
The first edition of A Praying Life taught some 350,000 Christians how to pray like children running to their Father for help. Now in its second edition, Paul Miller’s best-selling book invites the rest of us to ask God for help with the nitty-gritty details of life—from parking spots to contact lenses—and discover the freedom and joy of a vibrant prayer life. Perfect for individual or small group use.
Video Library
Find videos to help you promote an A Praying Life Seminar or study or get the word out about 30 Days to A Praying Life.