New Battlefields

New Battlefields

Toes start tapping to the rousing chorus of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. All those “Glory, glory, hallelujahs” stir the soul! Excitement grows at seeJesus as God’s truth is marching onto new battlefields.

Glory for God has stirred Ross Burns’ heart. As a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard, Ross desires to bring Jesus’ hope into the military. “It’s a rough time in the military, for sure,” Ross shares. Marriages have a high divorce rate. Individuals battle addiction. Most sobering is the suicide rate among veterans – seventeen per day in 2019. The service men and women of the United States need the refuge of Jesus.

The service men and women of the United States need the refuge of Jesus.

Ross has an inroad into these hard places. He currently serves part-time in the 1st Battalion 111th Infantry Regiment as a Religious Affairs Specialist, assistant to the Chaplain. Ross will soon leave his part-time culinary job in order to join seeJesus. Upon graduation from seminary, Ross will transition to become a Chaplain, an officer with the rank of Captain. He anticipates deployment to Poland in 2024.

While service members have access to many programs, the truth and comfort of the gospel are sorely missing in the military. Ross desires to pioneer a ministry to all branches of the military through relationship-based discipleship using seeJesus material. He wants men and women to experience the radical change that comes from seeing and knowing Jesus.

Ross desires to pioneer a ministry to all branches of the military through relationship-based discipleship using seeJesus material.

seeJesus has weaved its way through Ross’ marriage. Angela and Ross first attended A Praying Life Seminar while engaged. They studied The Love Course together as a married couple. They have used the material to address resentment and increase honesty in their conversations. Ross and Angela have also enjoyed watching God unfold His story through their prayers. They track answers to prayer in a family prayer document to see what God is doing.

One major answer to prayer happened in 2020. After the birth of their daughter Geneva, they wanted Angela to be able to stay home full-time. This was not possible on Ross’ salary as a cook in a senior living center, so they started praying. Out of the blue Ross received an email from a previous pastor regarding an Army chaplain recruiter. Ross wanted to enlist, but in order to qualify, he had to lose 60 pounds (remember he’s been working in the culinary industry!). God answered that prayer request too!

As a family, they love to read together. Ross has read all of Paul Miller’s books. Angela and he enjoy teaching two-year-old Geneva new words and watching her look through board books.

Ross has seen Jesus transform his own life. He has participated in Person of Jesus cohorts and is now a Trainer. The change is real for Ross: “I have seen the difference it has made in my life, how I deal with suffering, people at work, and in my marriage.” As for new battlefields, Ross believes, “The material will make a tremendous difference.” Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Ross Burns has begun raising support for his new role to the military with seeJesus. The Burns family lives in Quakertown, PA. They happily await the arrival of a baby.

Author: Gretchen

Gretchen has a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling. She lives on a 300-year-old farm with her husband and five children.