
seeJesus is a global discipling mission helping the church see and reflect the life, death, and resurrection of Christ through discipleship resources and training. All of the interactive Bible studies below have been translated into Chinese with the permission of seeJesus Press and other publishers and are freely available for download and distribution. To learn more about seeJesus, click here.


您可以在以下链接购买 保罗·米勒的《J 曲线:日日与耶稣同死同复活》(You may purchase Paul Miller's J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life at either of the two links below.)

1. 微读书城
2. 恩道电子书

如果您想要支持我们的中文翻译事工,可以点击这里. 进行奉献 (If you'd like to support our work of Chinese translation, you may donate here.)