Church Discipling Pathway
seeJesus' Church Discipling Pathways are facilitator-led “paths” by which local churches can immerse themselves in prayer. Over the course of 1-3 years, seeJesus staff will mentor and equip Trainers from within the local church to guide the entire congregation along the pathway.
Download more information here.
Year 1: Training in A Praying Life
In your first year on the pathway, seeJesus will help you:
- Host an A Praying Life Seminar
- Host an A Praying Life cohort for leaders and congregation
- Lead In-House Training: Apprenticeship and Coaching Cohort
"This is not about scurrying faster on your hamster wheel of prayer. It is an invitation to step off of that hamster wheel by looking to the Spirit of Jesus and letting him lead us forward as we commune with him."
– Dane Ortlund, Pastor of Naperville Presbyterian Church
Year 2: Training in A Praying Church
In your second year, your Trainer will help you:
- Host an A Praying Church seminar
- Host an A Praying Church cohort for leaders and congregation
- Lead In-House Training: Apprenticeship and Coaching Cohort
“So praying together is ‘good for us’ and our Father does ‘answer our prayers,’ but the Bible’s vision is much bigger: We are talking about the very life of Jesus by his Spirit flowing into our lives, our families, and our communities that reflect the immeasurable greatness of his power."
– Paul Miller
Year 3: Sustaining a Culture of Prayer
In year three, you can look forward to:
- Annual Spring/Fall A Praying Life and A Praying Church Cohorts for congregation led by your own in-house trainer.
- Leading your own In-House Training: Apprenticeship and Coaching Cohort
"That’s why corporate prayer is so critical: prayer is not a ministry of the church—it is the heart of ministry through which the real, functional leadership of the intimate union of the Spirit and Jesus, formed at the resurrection, operate. Or to put it more simply: prayer accesses the Spirit of Jesus. He runs the place.”
– Paul Miller
One Pastor's Story
"I was never planning on becoming a praying pastor and I was never planning on leading a praying church. But now, because of my limitations, I feel like I haven’t got a choice… and I’m so very grateful for this mercy."
Kieran Carr (Cottesloe, Australia)