The ripples this A Praying Life seminar sent through our community have been lasting and significant. Perhaps no more so than the renewal in uninhibited dependent prayer. For Australians who breathe the air of cynicism, a great number of us have been drawn back into prayerfully being a part of God’s story.

Pastor Karl Pacholke, Christ Community West, Brisbane, Australia

A Praying Church has had a huge impact on how I’ve been approaching the body—not as consumers, but as saints! I enjoy my Father so much more than I ever have—and much of it is because of seeJesus. Thank you for your investment in me and my church.

Paul Reader, Director of Ministries, Great Valley Presbyterian (Philadelphia, PA)

Coming home from the A Loving Life seminar to watch the March Madness finals was a real eye opener. I just couldn’t get excited the way I used to. I realized that nothing can satisfy me like God can. 

Tim Wiggins, Perimeter Church, Atlanta, GA.

I can't say enough about what a great experience it was working with seeJesus. We hosted A Praying Life, and it was really a hit. As far as logistics, it was incredibly smooth. Once you inquire about hosting, the coordinator walks you through each step.

Aki Black, Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church, Moscow, ID

When our church wanted to establish a special needs ministry, Bethesda guided us through the process. We were able to develop a plan for implementing a ministry and curriculum tailored to our church family. Once we had our ministry team in place, the Bethesda team offered us all a highly informative morning of training about ministering to people with various special needs.

Gina Shoemaker, Immanuel Leidy's Church, Souderton, PA

The A Praying Life Seminar is the most practical training in prayer possible, yet it is rooted in biblical theology. I highly recommend it.

Rev. Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York, NY

A Praying Church is a helpful seminar. I love the prayer pyramid, the prayer menu, the tithing prayer principle, and praying together in breakout rooms. But most of all, I love Paul Miller's contagious passion for prayer as the conduit for the Spirit of Christ to move the church!

Maresa DePuy, Prayer Director, The Church at LifePark (Mt. Pleasant, SC)

I’ve read the Bible cover to cover every year for the last eight years.  This A Loving Life seminar made me feel I had somehow missed Ruth in my reading.

Hal Milican, Perimeter Church, Atlanta, GA

The impact of the A Praying Life seminar continues to be felt here at Chessington Evangelical Church. In fact, we have been led on from it to write a church purpose statement, to re-shape our values and write a bold vision statement.

Pastor Gareth Edwards, Chessington Evangelical Church, London


    A Praying Life

    Explore Jesus’ simple yet powerful teachings on prayer and discover the joy of prayer. We practice becoming child-like, patterning our prayers after Jesus’ own teaching and prayers, using practical prayer tools and making lots of time to pray. If you’ve ever struggled with or felt defeated during prayer, this seminar is for you! 

    Event length: Friday night and Saturday morning, or all-day Saturday.

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    A Praying Church

    Bring the Spirit back to the center of your community and watch him enliven the world’s most powerful Spiritual force—the everyday saints around you. This seminar, from the people who brought you the A Praying Life seminar, will give you a vision for and practical experience in praying as a community.

    Event length: Friday night and Saturday morning, or all-day Saturday.

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    A Loving Life

    Everyone wants to live a life of love, but few of us do. This in-depth look at Ruth’s amazing portrait of biblical love will overwhelm you with confidence, passion, and trust in Him while showing you how to love the everyday people around you.

    Event length: Friday night and Saturday morning, or all-day Saturday.

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    Bethesda Splash

    SPLASH into the Bethesda curriculum and watch Bible study become fun, engaging, and life-changing! SPLASH is an eye-opening event designed to educate, encourage, and equip people to minister to the needs of people who are affected by disabilities.

    Event length: One evening or a Saturday morning

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    Join us for a J-Curve Seminar and explore truth so encouraging, so liberating, that once you see it, you can’t unsee it! Let theJ-Curve drain the energy from your cynicism, fill your heart with hope, and infuse even inconveniences, disappointments, and trials with deep meaning. 

    Event length: Friday night and Saturday morning, or all-day Saturday.

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    Person of Jesus

    Follow us into the crowd that follows Jesus and experience the tender yet powerful ways Jesus reached out to everyone he met. See how he loved people, what he was like as a person, why countless others were drawn to him. Your seminar leader will lead you in discovery while modeling an interactive style of teaching.

    Event length: Friday night and Saturday morning, or all-day Saturday.

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    See Jesus Workshop

    See Jesus Workshop uniquely blends spiritual nourishment with one-on-one instruction in leading a small group. The course is set up like a small group, where everyone is an involved learner. Each participant prepares one lesson beforehand, gets focused feedback from a seeJesus Trainer, then teaches the lesson to a small group.

    Event length: One day, or an evening and a day

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    Scheduled Events

    seeJesus hosts over 100 seminars and events each year. Browse the events already on our calendar to see if there's something near you.

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