A Praying Life Coordinator for Student Ministries
Jimmy Davis
Before joining seeJesus as the A Praying Life Coordinator for Student Ministries, Jimmy Davis served in ministry for over 36 years as a student pastor, discipleship pastor, church planter, teacher, and instructor. Thirteen years ago, Jimmy wrote a book, Cruciform: Living the Cross-shaped Life, which Paul Miller endorsed.
Jimmy has a passion for reaching and discipling the next generation and walking alongside others serving those in student ministry. He recounts: “I met Jesus when I was 10 years old, and He has never forsaken me. I have spent my adult life proclaiming the faithful love of Jesus to the next generation. I long for them to seek the face of my friend Jesus.”
Jimmy and his wife Christine live in Signal Mountain, TN, where he is an ordained PCA Teaching Elder in the Tennessee Valley Presbytery. Jimmy and Christine have three adult children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and two cute canines.