Director of Operations
For 17 years, Justin enthusiastically taught high school chemistry. But over time, he found himself drawn to sparking a new kind of reaction: between Jesus and the church. Justin’s journey with seeJesus began when he attended his first A Praying Life seminar in 2005, a few months after marrying his wife, Gretchen. Since that time, prayer and a love for becoming like Jesus have become a central theme in Justin’s personal life, marriage, and family. The Bethesda material has especially captured his children’s hearts. Justin’s family loves to see God answer big prayers and watch for ways to love like Jesus. Four years of foster care and adoption have given them many opportunities to pray and love - and brought two delightful little boys into their family! Justin, Gretchen, and their five children live on a three hundred-year-old farm in Pennsylvania. When he’s not working, homeschooling, or doing house projects, you can find Justin outside tending the garden.