Lyle Caswell
Lyle Caswell teaches toward hope. Whether preaching at the church he planted (Christ Community Presbyterian Church), leading a seeJesus seminar, speaking at a national Mission to North America (MNA) event, or hosting a men’s retreat, Lyle eagerly watches for the moment when people begin to hope again in Christ. He loves exposing people to the seeJesus materials—including Person of Jesus and A Praying Life—that have made such an impact on his life. Lyle has been married to Luchrysta for 21 years. They have four children and live in Lakeland, FL.
More from Lyle
Love Breaks
Watch the VideoWatch seeJesus trainer Lyle Caswell lead lesson two, "Love Breaks," from the A Loving Life study.
Management by Prayer - with Guest Lyle Caswell
Listen inLyle Caswell, Senior Pastor of Christ Community Presbyterian Church in Lakeland, FL joins Paul, Jon and Liz to talk about A Praying Church.