A Praying Life Cohort Coordinator
Will Peycke
It was a quote from Paul Miller in World Magazine that first caught Will Peycke’s attention in 2010. After reading through A Praying Life, Will realized his helplessness to do life on his own and became more desperate for the Spirit to change and empower him. “I copied so many quotes from A Praying Life into my journal that I likely broke some copyright laws,” he states jokingly.
In February 2012, Will and his wife, Kay, went to an A Praying Life Seminar taught by Bob Allums, and the rest is history! Will has led several A Praying Life Seminars and Cohorts over the years and enjoys getting a firsthand look at the Spirit showing up in a meaningful way in prayer stories.
After serving in ministry as an associate pastor for 17 years, Will joins the seeJesus staff as the A Praying Life Cohort Coordinator. Will and Kay live in Lafayette, Indiana and have four kids, two sons and two daughters.