In this episode, Paul Miller shares how a question from his wife, "Do you love me?" launched him into a study of the person of Jesus... and how what he saw changed him.
“When I was studying Luke 7, the story of the widow of Nain, I noticed how Jesus begins by looking at her. It dawned on me how much Jesus was looking at people. I noticed this pattern where he looked, had compassion, and then acted. I began to see it all over the Bible.”
"What I realized, only in retrospect, was that I was discovering people."
“One of my takeaways was that I am more efficient than Jesus. Because when you are attentive, you have to slow down. You have to be with someone. It leads to a whole different response to a person. Because it means you’re coming at them with questions, as opposed to answers. I’ve not lost my Presbyterian DNA. I love our theological grid, but it stays more in reserve. I know I sound like Oprah with this, but this idea that people talk about 'being present.' It’s true: Jesus was remarkably present with people."
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Special thanks to Ian Nagata for use of his original music and to Jon Hori and Liz Voboril for adding their perspectives to this conversation.