Episodes 1-4


    Hunting for Resurrection

    We wrap up the J-Curve: Descent of Love podcast series by looking at the Father's response to Jesus' descent.

    View Episode 4

    Surrendering Your Rights

    Today, we’re going to focus in on Paul’s emphasis on Jesus’ surrender of his rights, “he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped.”

    View Episode 3

    The Shape of the Story

    In this conversation, we look at how love draws Jesus "down" and "in," first in the incarnation and ultimately to the cross.

    View Episode 2

    The Mind of Christ

    We're starting a new series for Advent called J-Curve: Descent of Love. Our material comes from the J-Curve book and new J-Curve Interactive Bible Study, Unit 3.

    View Episode 1

  • In Philippians 2:6-11, Paul pulls back the curtains and gives us an x-ray of Christmas. It's the only place we hear the story from Jesus' perspective.

The Descent of Love

The J-Curve is no guarantee of smooth skies (in fact doing the work of love often makes them bumpier) but it can steady you and bring the joy of fellowship with Christ into the darkest of places.

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