Footwashing and the J-Curve

Footwashing and the J-Curve

In this episode, we return to our study of the footwashing in John 13, focusing on Peter's response.

“I love Peter’s reaction to Jesus washing his feet. It is just so classic Peter. The Greek really captures Peter’s recoil. It reads something like this:

"Humility is the art of disappearing for love."

“Behind Peter’s recoil is a whole way of looking at life that we can describe as a narrative that is very familiar. It goes something like this: No leader, especially the warrior king, should stoop to wash feet. It’s really humanity’s narrative, exalting ourselves above others, so everything is ranked in hierarchies."

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Special thanks to Ian Nagata for use of his original music and to Jon Hori and Liz Voboril for adding their perspectives to this conversation.