Jesus Greets Mary Magdalene (John 20) October 01, 2019 In this episode, we look at how Jesus greets Mary Magdalene in John 20.
Interview with Tyler Johnson September 17, 2019 In this episode, we interview Tyler Johnson, Lead Pastor of Redemption Church in Arizona, about how seeing Jesus has made a difference in his life.
The Structure of Jesus' Beauty September 03, 2019 In this episode, we reflect on the two scenes studied thus far and begin to see some of the elements of Jesus' beauty that captivate us.
Conversation with Pilate: The Beauty of Jesus August 20, 2019 In this episode, we continue our study of Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John 18.
Conversation with Pilate: Jesus the King August 06, 2019 In this episode, we continue our study of Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John 18.
Conversation with Pilate: The Mock July 24, 2019 In this episode, we shift our focus to Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John 18.
Foot-washing and the Perfection of Love (John 13) July 09, 2019 In this episode, we conclude our study of John 13 by looking at the theme of perfection.
Foot-washing and the J-Curve June 25, 2019 In this episode, we return to our study of the foot-washing in John 13, focusing on Peter's response.
Special Episode: Remembering David Powlison, Celebrating Friendship June 19, 2019 In this episode, Paul shares some reflections on friendship, on occasion of the death of his good friend David Powlison on June 7, 2019.
Foot-washing and Beauty June 19, 2019 In this episode, [JESUS] 2. Footwashing and Beauty, we look at the foot-washing in John 13. Paul draws our attention to a number of details in the story, including Jesus’...
Seeing Jesus is Seeing Love in 3-D June 06, 2019 In this episode, [JESUS] 1. Seeing Jesus is Watching Love in 3-D, Paul Miller shares how a question from his wife, "Do you love me?" launched him into a study...
The Most Beautiful Thing June 06, 2019 Do you love me?” Jill asked as we climbed the stairs up to our room. “Yes, I love you,” I replied. She asked again, “Do you love me?” Did she...