Episodes 1-12


    How Jesus Became a Missing Person, Part 3

    This episode continues our conversation about how Jesus became a missing person and how political correctness is simply Jesus' attributes, secularized.

    View Episode 12

    How Jesus Became a Missing Person, Part 2

    In this episode, we continue our conversation on how Jesus became a missing person and how his divinity was easy for the Greeks to see; his humanity is what they struggled with.

    View Episode 11

    How Jesus Became a Missing Person, Part 1

    We begin a conversation about why paying attention to how Jesus interacts as a person feels so strange and unfamiliar to many of us.

    View Episode 10

    Jesus Greets Mary Magdalene (John 20)

    In this podcast episode, we look at how Jesus greets Mary Magdalene in John 20.

    View Episode 9

    The Structure of Jesus' Beauty

    The podcast team reflects on the two scenes studied thus far and begin to see some of the elements of Jesus' beauty that captivate us.

    View Episode 8

    Conversation with Pilate: The Beauty of Jesus

    Love moves towards people, and in this podcast episode, we continue our study of Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John 18.

    View Episode 7

    Conversation with Pilate: Jesus the King

    In this episode, we continue our study of Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John 18 in the Jesus series.

    View Episode 6

    Conversation with Pilate: The Mock

    We shift our focus in this episode to Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John 18 when he asked, "Are you the King of the Jews?"

    View Episode 5

    Footwashing and the Perfection of Love (John 13)

    In this episode, we conclude our study of John 13 by looking at the theme of perfection and how John lists seven steps.

    View Episode 4

    Footwashing and the J-Curve

    We return to our study of the footwashing in John 13 while focusing on Peter's response.

    View Episode 3

    Footwashing and Beauty

    In this episode, we look at the footwashing in John 13. Paul draws our attention to a number of details in the story, including Jesus’ silence.

    View Episode 2

    Seeing Jesus is Seeing Love in 3-D

    Paul Miller shares how a question from his wife, "Do you love me?" launched him into a study of the person of Jesus and how what he saw changed him.

    View Episode 1

  • You will only get to know Jesus as you wash feet regularly.

The Most Beautiful Thing

Paul Miller shares the story of what launched him into studying the person of Jesus and what ultimately led him to write the "Person of Jesus" interactive Bible studies.

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